11 February 2008

Whack a mole

Seems that the US is finally buckling down and going to try, via 'military tribunal', six of the Guantanamo prisoners for their role in the 9.11 attack.
It's already been announced that they'll be seeking the death penalty.
The defendants are Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a Kuwaiti of Pakistani extraction, Ramzi Binalshibh, a Yemeni, Walid Bin Attash, also from Yemen, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, who was born in Balochistan, Pakistan, and raised in Kuwait, Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi, a Saudi, and Mohammed al-Qahtani. The charges include conspiracy, murder in violation of the laws of war, attacking civilians, destruction of property, and terrorism. Mr Qahtani and Mr Hawsawi are also charged with hijacking or hazarding an aircraft.
According to the BBC, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed has said he planned every part of the 9/11 attacks; his confession may prove problematic, as the CIA admitted using the controversial "waterboarding" technique on him.

Rico says he can only imagine the whining from the left. But, hey, it worked at Nuremburg, right?

And is it just Rico, or is there a strange resemblance between Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ron Jeremy?

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