11 February 2008

Politics may make strange bedfellows, but...

...now they're getting desperate and willing to sleep with anybody.
With Hillary in a death spiral in recent state primaries (including losing all four on Sunday), they're looking to get someone on board who can, somehow, magically, save her from well-deserved oblivion.
So who did they turn to after throwing their Latina campaign manager overboard?
Why, Maggie Williams, of course.
For those, like Rico, who've forgotten, Ms Williams used to work on Hillary's staff when the Clintons were in the White House, and was instrumental in providing access for, and a conduit for illegal contributions from, one Johnny Chung, who was fronting for China's intelligence service. (Nice...)
Ms Williams job now, of course, is to somehow torpedo Barack Obama before the convention, where the 'super delegates' might all gang up and nominate him in lieu of Hillary.

Rico is laughing, again...

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