15 February 2008


Mark was a little more chipper today, although he was awfully tired tonight and after dinner and his shower, was in bed by 6. When I left at 6:30 he was snoring.
Mark had his x-ray today. They do that to check the settings of his shunts. I didn't talk to Dr. Long but I'm assuming everything was okay. Unlike the hospital, they actually will look for you to give you updates. His CAT scan is tomorrow afternoon.
We had an exercise the other day in PT where I had to toss Mark the ball and ask him a math question and then he had to give me the answer when he tossed it back. They all laughed when I asked him what pi was but they stopped when he gave me the right answer (and I could tell they didn't know it and they asked me if he was right - beats me but I did look it up and I know he got the 3.14 right). But then tonight when I asked him where he was he said a stadium. Well, we were sitting in a brightly lit room in uncomfortable chairs watching a big flat screen TV!

Rico says he could only remember pi out to 3.14159...

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