14 February 2008

I thought that was the point of the FDA

But it appears that pharma companies in the US can make drugs using components made outside the US.
That little oversight has apparently caused some deaths of people using heparin to thin their blood.
The problem? Manufacturing issues in China.

According to the Los Angeles Times on-line: "Baxter spokeswoman Erin Gardiner said Wednesday evening that some of the active ingredient probably was made in China because Baxter got its supply from another company that had manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and in China.
Baxter wasn't identifying the source, but Gardiner said the supplier had been manufacturing heparin for more than 30 years and had been supplying Baxter for more than 20 years. She said the plant in China had been in operation for several years.
Baxter inspected the supplier's U.S. facility and its China plant last year, and both have good records in terms of safety and quality, the company said. The FDA has not inspected the plant in China, the agency said."

Rico says what a fucking surprise...

When are we going to get it that the Chinese operate on traditional nineteenth century capitalist principles, no matter the communist face they put on things. This is why the FDA was formed in the first place in 1906, to keep people from selling contaminated food and drugs. They need to do their job. And pharmaceutical companies need to be banned from using crap made in China until further notice... Rico has spoken.

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