05 January 2008

They're right, honor has nothing to do with it

Yaser Abdel Said, a 50-year-old cabdriver, is being sought in the deaths of Amina Yaser Said, 18, and Sarah Yaser Said, 17. The Lewisville High School students were found shot to death in a taxi at an Irving hotel Tuesday night. “It’s not religion,” the man's son said, declining to speak in detail about a possible motive. “It’s something else. Religion has nothing to do with it.”
Supposedly another 'honor' killing, because Amina had be 'found' to have a boyfriend.
Horrors. A boyfriend...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To one with experience in these matters, it is obvious the murders of the beautiful Said sisters in suburban Dallas were dishonor killings.

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"


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