21 January 2008

LBJ gets no credit

In the recent argument between Clinton and Obama about who was responsible for getting civil rights laws passed back in the 60s, Dr. Martin Luther King got a lot of props for his efforts on behalf of blacks. Then-president Lyndon Baines Johnson, however, got slammed for not doing enough.
Admittedly, Johnson insisted that voting rights be stripped out of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, because he believed (and, given his experience in the House, probably correctly) that it wouldn't pass.
The following year, of course, after MLK got arrested at the Pettus bridge, the Voting Rights Act passed handily.
So, was LBJ negligent or prescient in 1064?
Given his overall record, I think Lyndon gets the nod for getting it down when it could get done, and not a minute sooner or later.
Dr. King? A god among civil rights workers, and probably the central reason things happened at all in the 60s.

Rico says call it a tie and let it go...

Oh, hell, it's Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, after all. He wins by default.

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