11 December 2007

Politics as usual

On Monday in Miami, former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee criticized presidential candidate Mike Huckabee for changing his stance on Cuba "to appeal to a particular group of people right before an election," according to the Associated Press.
The night before, when the GOP candidates jockeyed to appear toughest on Castro during a debate on the Spanish-language network Univision, Thompson's campaign gave reporters quotes from Huckabee's 2002 letter. Thompson had hoped to win support from the social conservatives flocking to Huckabee.
According to the LA Times, "As governor of Arkansas five years ago, Mike Huckabee joined a bipartisan chorus of politicians who concluded that the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba was bad for businesses. Now that he's a top-tier candidate for president, Huckabee has decided he favors the embargo; so much so that he vowed Monday to outdo even President Bush in strangling the regime of Cuban President Fidel Castro and punishing those who do business there."

Not that I'm for helping Castro, mind you, but it's funny to watch this posturing...

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