07 December 2007

Oh, crap, another idiot who got it backwards

I do wish these guys would shoot themselves first, and save all these innocent bystanders...
The moron in Omaha, it seems, "entered the main entrance of the Von Maur department store Wednesday afternoon, looked around briefly and then left before entering the store again six minutes later, carrying what was later learned to be a rifle."
He ended up killing eight people with 30 rounds from "an AK-47-style semi-automatic weapon the police said he stole from his stepfather".
"Mr. Hawkins made his way through the Von Maur store, past an atrium that opened onto the second floor, past startled shoppers who had been gazing at display cases, and toward the customer service area, where employees were wrapping gifts in festive paper. All the time, he was firing the rifle, the chief said."
And no one, not even in Omaha, had a pistol on them...
Why would that have been important to those in the store? "A customer, Kevin Kleine, 29, hid in a storage room with her 4-year-old daughter, Emily, and four women she had never met, including an expectant mother. 'All I could think was where is he, what if he comes through that door, what if he comes through right now', she recalled."
What if he came through the door? They waited for thirty minutes for someone else to come handle the situation. What if he came through the door and was shot to ribbons? Let alone if someone, anyone, in the store had just put a few rounds into him in passing.
Amazingly, there were no reports of wounded. He either was much more accurate than your 'normal' mass shooter, or people in Omaha don't take a hit very well.
Ah, but what could have been if someone else had been packing... (And why are there never any off-duty cops at these things? Bad luck's gotta cut both ways.)
From the CNN.com story on the shooting: "Apparently he had been experiencing some mental health problem." Gee, ya think? But they did note four or five people who'd been wounded but didn't die, so I guess Omahans can take a bullet after all...

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