02 December 2007

Death to teddy bears!

According to ABC News, they're still rioting in the Sudan over the blasphemous behavior of a foreign schoolteacher who allowed her children to choose the name Mohammad, the most common name for boys in the Sudan, for the class toy bear.
Sentenced to fifteen days in prison for 'insulting Islam', she will also be deported. (Heaving a huge sigh of relief, presumably.)
Insulting Islam? How can you insult a religion that does such a good job all by itself?
I can't imagine any equivalent among any other of the major religions. Would Catholics riot and demand the death of a teacher who dared to name the class bear after the Pope? Hell, there's probably dozens of them with that name in Catholic schools right now...
As for the Buddhists, of course, there would be much laughter at the notion of a bear named Buddha.
In honor of President Roosevelt, of course, we should insist on having beatings administered to anyone using the sainted name of Teddy for their bear...

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