08 November 2016

Eric Trump managed to fuck up Election Day

From Gizmodo, an article by Sophie Kleeman, a staff writer at Gizmodo:

Today is Election Day, which means millions of people— including the spawn of the candidates themselves— will be casting their ballots. Eric Trump, for example, proudly submitted his ballot this morning. In fact, he was so proud that he decided to share it with everyone on Twitter!
In a since-deleted tweet, Eric posted a photo of his ballot with the message “It is an incredible honor to vote for my father! He will do such a great job for the USA!”
The problem, of course, is that “ballot selfies” and their ilk are barred in some states— states like New York, where Eric Trump lives and appears to have cast his ballot, as evidenced by the words “Nueva York” at the top of the image. Besides New York, ballot selfies are banned in Michigan, Tennessee, Florida, and New Jersey, among other states.
Meanwhile, Eric Trump’s secretive glances at his wife’s ballot were mirrored elsewhere by his father, Donald:

We’ve reached out to the Trump campaign to inquire about Eric’s ballot selfie, and we’ll update if we hear back. In the meantime, happy anniversary Eric.

Rico says a family that fucks up together... (Hey, Hinckley's out; wonder what he's thinking...)

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