03 November 2016

A black hole is screaming through the Universe

Maddie Stone has a disturbing Gizmodo article about a black hole:

Millions of years ago, B3 1715+425 was just an ordinary supermassive black hole. It had a comfortable life, of devouring stars and belching deadly x-rays, at the center of its distant galaxy. Now, starless and alone, it’s screaming through space at two thousand kilometers per second, and it may never stop.
BC 1715+425's troubles began when its galaxy bumped up against another. This isn’t all that unusual; in fact, astronomers believe that the largest galaxies in our universe formed during ancient mergers. Normally, when two galaxies collide, the supermassive black holes at their centers start to orbit one another, moving closer and closer together in an inescapable gravitational attraction. Eventually, those black holes can fuse, releasing a burst of energy as gravitational waves and completing the cosmic joining.
Most of the time, this process seems to work out for all parties involved, judging from the fact that nearly all supermassive black holes reside at the center of galaxies, and nearly all galactic centers contain a supermassive black hole. But every now and then, something goes wrong and cosmic wreckage ensues. B3 1715+425, speeding away from the core of a bloated galactic merger two billion light years from Earth, is living proof of this.
The strange object was discovered by astronomers using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), a network of ten 25-meter dish antennas located around the world and operated out of New Mexico. “We were looking for orbiting pairs of supermassive black holes, with one offset from the center of a galaxy, as telltale evidence of a previous galaxy merger,” said James Condon, the astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, who led the study. “Instead, we found this black hole fleeing from the larger galaxy and leaving a trail of debris behind it.”
The working theory is that, millions of years ago, B3 1715+425's galaxy passed through a much larger galaxy (one that had formed during many previous mergers) and got shredded to bits, a bit like a paper airplane flying into a hurricane. The leftovers include a faint galactic remnant, just three thousand light years across, and the supermassive black hole itself, nearly naked and hemorrhaging ionized gas as it tears through the void.
Astronomers believe the cosmic carnage will become invisible in about a billion years, as the galactic remnant ceases to form new stars. “We’ve not seen anything like this before,” Condon said.
Have other galaxies and supermassive black holes met the same unfortunate fate? It seems likely. Condon and his team will continue to investigate the matter using the VLBA and with high-resolution optical telescopes in the future.
As several readers have pointed out, Condon says in the video that the black hole is moving at two thousand kilometers per second. While a press release states that the black hole is moving at two thousand miles per second, we have updated the post to reflect Condon’s statement, because, after all, the experts know best.
Rico says that, fortunately, it's not headed our way anytime soon... (For readers of Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow, the first line is A screaming comes across the sky, which sounds like our black hole...)

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