19 June 2016

Father's Day

Rico says that neither he nor his cat, Bud, are fathers, and for the same reason (vasectomy), but that doesn't mean Rico can't celebrate the day, since Rico still has his father, and Ashley Ross has an Time article about why we even have the day:

Father's Day was created in 1910, but it didn't get official Federal recognition until 1972, when Richard Nixon (photo, with his daughters) stepped in.
Father’s Day was proposed around the same time as Mother’s Day, in the early twentieth century, when a woman named Sonora Louise Smart Dodd wanted to honor her father, William Smart, a Civil War veteran who was left to raise six children after his wife died during childbirth. According to the National Father’s Day Committee, the first Father’s Day was celebrated in Dodd’s town of Spokane, Washington in 1910. The holiday’s June date is tied to Smart’s birthday of 5 June.
That was just two years after the first Mother’s Day, proposed by Anna M. Jarvis, took place in 1908. But, while “Mother’s Day took off like a rocket, Father’s Day took off like a rock,” according to Ralph LaRossa, author of The Modernization of Fatherhood and sociology professor at Georgia State University.
Mother’s Day was to convey that mothers were particularly special, but it seemed to some that it was antithetical to say fathers were special as well,” LaRossa says.
Six years after its first celebration, Mother’s Day was acknowledged by President Woodrow Wilson, who signed a proclamation on 9 May 1914, declaring the second Sunday of May “a public expression of our love and reverence for the mothers of our country.” Father’s Day hardly got the same treatment: in 1916, when Wilson simply pressed a button in the Oval Office that rolled out a flag in Washington at a Father’s Day celebration. Similarly, President Calvin Coolidge wouldn’t sign a proclamation in 1924, even though he suggested the holiday be observed nationwide.
There was pushback, though, says LaRossa. For example, one man named Robert Spero proposed that, instead of adding a day for dads, Mother’s Day be replaced with a Parents’ Day that acknowledging both parents. “We should all have love for dad and mother every day, but Parent’s Day on the second Sunday in May is a reminder that both parents should be loved and respected together,” Spere, who was known as Uncle Robert, told The New York Times in 1931. Parents’ Day rallies, however, didn’t make their way past the 1940s.
As the role of fathers transformed across America, the Father’s Day holiday eventually earned its place alongside Mother’s Day. In 1972, Father’s Day was given the recognition of a proclamation from then-President Richard Nixon.
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