16 May 2016

Scam for the day

Rico says he wonders who falls for this shit:

From: "United Nations." <info101@hotmail.com>
Subject: Transaction Notification
World Bank Assisted Program
Directorate Of International
Payment And Transfer.
Debt Reconciliation/Audit Unit
United Nations Headquarters,
New York, NY 10017, U.S.A.
Our Ref: WB/NF/UN/XX028 United Nations

We are authorize by United Nations Secretary General and the governing body of the United Nations Debt Reconciliation Unit, to investigate the unnecessary delay on your payment, recommended and approved in your favor. During the course of our investigation, we discovered with dismay that your Lottery Winning and Compensation payment has been unnecessarily delayed by corrupt officials of the Bank and Government regulatory organs in Nigeria, Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, America, Canada, North America, and South America, who are trying to divert your funds into their private accounts.
Be advicsed that we are mandated by the United Nations and Bank of America to pay fifty people from your country as a result of they Lottery Winning and Compensation as victim of Internet scam. The United Nations and HSBC has agreed to pay you Seventeen Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars (US$17,500,000) each. You are listed and approved for this payment as one of the lucky persons to be paid this amount, so get back to this office as soon as possible for the immediate payment process of your Seventeen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$17,500,000.00) Lottery/Compensation funds.
Note that this email is to fifty selected lucky people of the countries that have been scammed or extorted money from because of their Lottery Winning, Contract Payment Execution in any part of the world, the United Nations have agreed to compensate all the Lottery Winners and scam victim with the sum of Seventeen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$17,500,000.00) each. This includes every foreign contractors that may have not yet received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems or irregularitie,s etc. We found your email in our list and that is why we are contacting you, this has been agreed upon and has been signed by the United Nations Board of Directors and Trustees from the World Bank.
Be clarify that this Fund has been approved in your favor and duly signed by the United Nations Financial Department, United Nations Board of Directors and Trustees from the World Bank, and also note that your Fund is approve for release through any of the following method (via Bank-to Bank-Wire-Transfer, via Bank Draft, via Diplomatic Delivery Means Any Of Our Payment Center/Office Location For the claim of your Fund in Person, as we have many payment centers all over the world) and the Chief Protocol Officer in charge of the Fund Release Unit, Mr. Daniel Smith, have been authorized to handle the release process of your funds per your chosen method you want to use to receive your funds from the above listed means. You are hereby advised without delay to stop all contact going on between you and anybody on Internet over the claim of your funds, because you will end up at nothing with them as they have no funds for you, and you must understand that we are here to ensure that you receive your funds without delay.
Also be informed that a woman with the name Elizabeth Williams, 5.9 inches tall, with long hair and white in color from the United States of America, have earlier today contacted this office claiming to be from you, stating that you are dead but, before your abrupt death, you made her your representative and authorized her as your legal beneficiary to claim your fund valued Seventeen Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars (US$17,500,000.00) only from this reputable commission, and and she also stated that she is a member of your family, so here comes the big question, are you dead? and did you sign any dead of assignment in favor of this woman, thereby making her the current beneficiary to your fund with her following contact details before you pass on, please get back to us if you are still alive and state to us if you authorize this woman to represent you for the claim of your fund or not, to enable us know the next line of action to follow for the transfer/release of your funds.
Contact information:
Mr. Daniel Smith
Chief Protocol Officer, Fund Release Department
Email: mrdanielsmith8144@gmail.com
Below is the Registration Information's of your Fund and you are to provide this details to Mr. Daniel Smith when contacting him as evidence of receiving email from us as a beneficiary to this compensation fund.
As soon as you establish contact with him, ensure that you provide a reconfirmation of your present details as below to the Officer to effect the change and reprocess your fund release to you:
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Identification Card/Driver's License:
We expect your urgent attention to this email to enable us monitor this payment effectively. Most importantly we advise you to follow the instruction of Mr. Daniel Smith as we have assigned him to handle the process of the release of your Fund to you. Once you contact him, do follow up his instruction as he is the only person in charge of the release of your Fund to you without any further delay.
Yours Faithfully,
Secretary-General United Nations
Mr. Ban Ki Moon
Rico says he loves all the really bad English and double-speak of this email, particularly the 'bank and government regulatory organs in Nigeria, Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, America, Canada, North America, and South America', which is pretty much everybody. Don't hesitate to email Mr. Smith, as Rico is sure he'll love to hear from you... (If that doesn't work, call Ban Ki Moon at the United Nations; it's not like he's got anything else to do...)

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