17 May 2016

Hillary for the day

Maya Rhodan has an article in Time about the latest from the Clinton campaign:

Hillary Clinton says she has found a role for her husband, former president Bill Clinton, in her future administration, should she be elected next November.
During a campaign stop in Kentucky on Sunday, Clinton said Bill would be in charge of “economic revitalization” if she were to be elected, a role she has hinted at but not explicitly spelled out. “My husband, who I’m going to put in charge of revitalizing the economy, cause you know he knows how to do it,” Clinton said at a rally on Sunday, ABC News reports. “Especially in places like coal country and inner cities and other parts of our country that have really been left out.” Asked to clarify her husband’s role, Clinton said only that he would not be a member of her cabinet, ABC News reports.
Clinton has previously said her husband has “more ideas a minute than anybody I know” while talking about jobs in Kentucky (photo). There is much speculation about the role Bill Clinton would have in the White House, given that he would be the nation’s first First Gentleman, and the first former president whose spouse is elected.
Rico says he wonders what they'll make Chelsea; Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, maybe? (And is there a role for Monica? First Fellatrix?)

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