18 May 2016

Hillary ally says she has advantage with "ugly women"

Slate has an 'oops' article about Rendell, idiot for the day:

Political reporter David Weigel has a new piece in The Washington Post about how Donald Trump might have a chance to do well this November in largely white suburbs that have been reliably Democratic in most recent elections. The piece focuses in particular on Trump's strong primary performance in the area around Philadelphia; one of the sources interviewed is Ed Rendell (photo), who served as both Philadelphia mayor and Pennsylvania's governor. Rendell is a Democrat who supports Hillary Clinton, and he makes the case that ... well, see for yourself:
“Will Trump have some appeal to working-class Democrats in Levittown or Bristol? Sure,” said Ed Rendell, the former governor and mayor, who won landslides in the suburbs. “For every one he’ll lose 1½, two Republican women. Trump’s comments like ‘You can’t be a ten if you’re flat-chested,’ that’ll come back to haunt him. There are probably more ugly women in America than attractive women. People take that stuff personally.”
Ah, the famed ugly woman firewall.
For what it's worth, Weigel is suggesting on Twitter that Rendell was joking and shouldn't be getting grief for the comment, but I've been staring at it for a few minutes now and can't figure out any other way to interpret it besides Ed Rendell genuinely thinking that some women will be less likely than others to support Donald Trump because they are ugly.
Rico says with friends like that, who needs enemies? (Not that Hillary is ugly, but she ain't cute any more...)

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