05 June 2014

Idiot for the day

Vinny Vella has an article in The Philadelphia Daily News about stupidity running in families:
Another Gosnell is accused of terrorizing West PhiladelphiaBaron Alexander, aka Baron Gosnell, the son of disgraced abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell, faces charges of burglary, robbery, receiving stolen property, and related offenses after allegedly breaking into a house not far from his own on Brandywine Street near 37th, said Lieutenant John Walker of Southwest Detectives.
Alexander, 22, was recovering last night at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, after one of the college students he allegedly victimized opened fire on him with a gun he was licensed to carry, Walker said. Yesterday, the man who scuffled with Alexander during the burglary declined to comment. He still bore signs of the ordeal, including shallow cuts on his forehead and nose.
Walker provided the following account of the incident: about 5 am, Alexander allegedly broke into the house occupied by three men, a University of Pennsylvania student, a Temple University student, and a recent Drexel University graduate, through a window in a first-floor bathroom. He allegedly ransacked the living room, swiping an Xbox, a Nintendo Wii, and a laptop, and stacked the pilfered goods in the back yard.
Just before 7 am, however, Alexander got a little greedy, Walker said, and went to the home's second floor, where its residents were sleeping. When he sneaked into one man's room allegedly to steal his cellphone, the snoozing victim woke up, and a fight broke out. The two took their melee downstairs, the resident screaming for help. His housemate, hearing the commotion, grabbed his handgun and told Alexander to leave his buddy alone.
Instead, the former Gosnell allegedly grabbed a bayonet that the three homeowners had on display and started swinging. The gunman opened fire, hitting the stab-happy suspect three times in his lower back and knee. Alexander stumbled onto the home's front steps, where he collapsed in a heap.
Sean Jenkins, a Drexel biomedical-engineering major, saw the aftermath of the fight from his home across the street. He watched, he said, as responding officers scooped up the bleeding Alexander and rushed him to HUP. "I'm surprised this happened, just because of how nice everybody has been," he said of his neighbors on the block, mostly students and young families.
Alexander lives two doors from the house he allegedly burglarized, sharing the home with his mother, according to Walker. The victims told investigators that they had not seen him before.
In 2012, the then-Baron Gosnell changed his surname to Alexander, saying that the Gosnell name was haunting him. "My last name stopped me from getting an internship, and I would like to drop my last name to prevent this from happening again," he said at the time. Last year, his father, Kermit Gosnell, was convicted of murdering three babies born alive in his West Philly abortion clinic, the Women's Medical Society, where he also kept parts of aborted fetuses in jars.
Rico says you can say what you like, but it's genetics...

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