03 May 2014

International scam for the day

Your ConsentFrom: Prince Fayad Bolkiah
Sent: Sat, 3 May, 2014 at 00:15
To: undisclosed-recipients
Dear Friend,
I am Prince Fayad Bolkiah, the eldest son of Prince Jefri Bolkiah, former Finance Minister of Brunei, the tiny oil-rich sultanate in the Persian Gulf. I will save your time by not amplifying my extended royal family history, as you may know from the international media; the Sultan had accused my father of financial mismanagement and impropriety. This was as a result of the Asian financial crisis that made my father's company Amedeo Development Company and government-owned Brunei Investment Company to be declared bankrupt during his tenure in office.
In addition, before my incarceration, I went ahead to dispatch some cash under special arrangement into the custody of different private security and Trustee Companies for safe keeping abroad. The money was splited and kept in the following countries in different proportions in UK, Canada, and the balance in United States of America .
Hence I seek your good assistance to invest these funds into profitable investment in your country to facilitate future survival for my family abroad. Please I count on your absolute confidentiality, transparency and trust, while looking forward to your prompt reply towards a swift conclusion of this transaction.
Prince Fayad Bolkiah
Rico says he's got a bridge to sell you if you believe this guy...

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