02 May 2014

Sterling has cancer

Ben Mathis-Lilley has a Slate article about an asshole with cancer:
The New York Post reports, and ESPN says it has confirmed, that Donald Sterling has prostate cancer. From the Post:
The source said some of the medication Sterling has been taking is responsible for the puffy appearance of his face.
The Post notes that the Clippers organization notoriously refused to pay for assistant coach Kim Hughes' seventy-thousand-dollar prostate cancer surgery several years ago, a cost that was subsequently covered by players.
There's also this:
We've all been there. Everyone has the one needy friend who is always skipping out on the restaurant bill and asking to crash at your place and secretly recording your conversations for use in a potential legal dispute with the thirty multimillionaires who are trying to take his basketball franchise because his nineteenth-century attitudes towards race have made him a national embarrassment.
“People have been predicting his imminent demise. I’m sure he has the best drugs money can buy,” said the source, who works closely with pro sports teams. “He can do anything to keep himself alive.”
“He’s calling everyone, saying: ‘Tell me I’m not a racist’,” a source said, noting that the friends are refusing, for fear that Sterling was recording them.
Rico says it couldn't happen to a nicer guy...

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