17 April 2014

Comparisons to the Holocaust, apartheid, & the Soviet Union

Buzzfeed has an article by Andrew Kaczynski about another idiot Republican:
Dr. Greg Brannon (photo), a Republican contending for the party’s Senate nomination in North Carolina, once referred to US property taxes as central planning, referencing the Holocaust and the Soviet Union as other examples of central planning, in a 2012 radio interview. Brannon, who has been endorsed by Senator Rand Paul and others, has a history of controversial statements. In the past, Brannon has alleged the United Nations is a scam to control life, and ran a now-defunct organization called Founder’s Truth that advocated conspiracy theories like fluoridating water and the Boston bombing being a false flag. His website then mysteriously disappeared from the Web Archive.
A recent Public Policy Polling poll showed him leading incumbent Democratic Senator Kay Hagan, 45-43.
In the 2012 radio interview, Brannon called property taxes “American central planning,” and compared that central planning to the Holocaust, apartheid, and the Soviet Union.
“When has central planning worked?” Brannon asked. “It’s called Holocaust, it’s called the Soviet Union, it’s called, you know, apartheid. Central planning does not work, but America’s version of it is better? Think about that. You pay your property tax every single year on the same property and if you don’t pay it the government takes it away. So who owns that property?”
Rico says that he knows that 'idiot Republican' is redundant, but where do they find these guys? (And doctor of what, Rico would like to know...) But if an endorsement by Rand Paul isn't the kiss of death, Rico doesn't know what is...

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