12 February 2014

Religion for the day

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about creationism:
Via Arkansas' KARK:
A public charter school organization with a campus in Little Rock, Arkansas says it has pulled science workbooks amid allegations it promotes creationism over evolution.
Chuck Cook, CEO of Texas-based Responsive Education, addressed the allegations in a letter to the Arkansas Department of Education and obtained by KARK. "Because of the seriousness of the allegations, we removed the biology workbook in question from our inventory and conducted an immediate and thorough review of the legal concerns expressed in the Slate article," Cook says.
The allegations stem from a Slate.com article published in January of 201 that states Responsive Ed's biology course unconstitutionally teaches creationism and that the curriculum undermines evolution.
Rico says you can't 'undermine' evolution if you haven't undergone any...

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