08 April 2013

Another great one gone

The Philadelphia Inquirer has an obituary for Maggie:
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died earlier of a stroke, her family has announced. She was 87.
"It is with great sadness that Mark and Carol Thatcher announce that their mother, Baroness Thatcher, died peacefully following a stroke," the family's statement said, according to the BBC.
Baroness Thatcher was Conservative prime minister from 1979 to 1990 and was known as the Iron Lady. She and President Ronald Reagan worked together closely in promoting free markets and in challenging the former Soviet Union. Baroness Thatcher, the daughter of a shopkeeper, also took Britain to war against Argentina to regain the Falkland Islands in 1982. She was the first and only woman to serve as prime minister in Britain, and was the nation's longest serving head of government in the Twentieth Century.
After Mrs. Thatcher left office, Queen Elizabeth II made her a life peer, bestowing on her the title of Baroness of Kesteven, which entitled her to sit in the House of Lords.
Baroness Thatcher had been in declining health in recent years. Her husband, Denis Thatcher, died in 2003.
Rico says the Iron Lady was a lot of things, but she was what the Brits needed (and the Argies didn't) at the time...

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