17 January 2013

No, no, not her

Josh Voorhees has a Slate article about the NRA and the President's daughter:
The ongoing flap over the NRA's controversial ad involving President Obama's two daughters continued this morning, with the gun lobby's president insisting that the thirty-second online spot "wasn't about the president's daughters" but instead about "how to keep children safe".
"We believe that every parent ought to be able to be comfortable, knowing that their children are safe, and if that requires armed security, it’s as good for the working man as it is for the president," NRA president David Keene told NBC's Today show.
The ad calls the president an "elitist hypocrite" for pushing for stronger gun-control laws while his daughters are protected by armed Secret Service agents. "Are the president’s kids more important than yours?" the ad asks at its outset. "Then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when his kids are protected by armed guards at their school?"
The commercial drew a harsh rebuke from the White House yesterday, with spokesman Jay Carney calling it "repugnant and cowardly". Here's the original ad, for those who haven't seen it yet:
Rico says that no one wishes harm to any child, but the President's kids are protected to protect him, and thus the country...

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