01 February 2010

Steve pissed? Not more than once a week, usually

Stan Schroeder has an article about Jobs' latest:
What a time we're living in. You can't even make fun of your competitors at your own company meeting without your words leaking out to the Internet. Apparently this happened to Steve Jobs, who lashed out at Google and Adobe at Apple's Town Hall company meeting. Speaking to Apple employees, Jobs voiced his opinion of buggy Flash code, lazy Adobe, and Google's fakery in the "don't be evil" department. Although these words have not been (and will never be) officially confirmed, multiple anonymous people who were in the audience confirmed their authenticity to Wired.
Here are a couple of inexact quotes from Steve's speech:
"Adobe is lazy. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy. Whenever a Mac crashes, more often than not it's because of Flash. No one will be using Flash. The world is moving to HTML 6."
When it comes to Google, Jobs is mad at them for trying to 'kill the iPhone'. He said "we did not enter the search business. They entered the phone business. Make no mistake: they want to kill the iPhone. We won't let them."
His most interesting quote about Google's 'don't be evil' mantra: "It's a load of crap."
Rico says, yup, sounds like Steve...

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