14 April 2009

That whistling sound...

The Voice of America has an article about North Korea, up to their old tricks again:
North Korea has ordered international monitors at its main nuclear facility to leave the country following its threats to restore a plutonium-enrichment reactor. The United Nations' nuclear monitoring agency released a statement saying North Korea has asked its inspectors to remove seals from equipment at the Yongbyon facility and leave the country as soon as possible. Japan's Kyodo news agency cited a US official as saying that US monitors have also been expelled.
North Korea's Foreign Ministry announced earlier Tuesday that Pyongyang plans to restart its nuclear program and drop out of six-nation disarmament talks. The statement was in reaction to the United Nations Security Council condemning North Korea's launch of a long-range rocket that flew over Japan earlier this month, on 5 April. Countries taking part in the aid-for-disarmament talks responded by urging Pyongyang to return to the negotiating table.
A White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said North Korea should verifiably dismantle its nuclear facilities and honor its international commitments if it wants to gain acceptance from the world community.
Japanese, Russian and Chinese officials made similar statements supporting an early return to the six-nation aid-for-disarmament talks.
Moscow, along with Beijing, blocked the Security Council from issuing a formal resolution, but supported a presidential statement. All fifteen member nations agreed on a statement condemning the launch. It ordered North Korea to comply with Security Council Resolution 1718, which bans such launches, and it threatened additional sanctions if Pyongyang does not comply. The measure calls for the designation of new entities that would be subject to a freeze of assets. A council committee monitoring sanctions against North Korea is to report by 24 April on companies or technology that should be added to the current sanctions list. The Security Council statement also calls for the resumption of six-party talks on North Korean disarmament.
...is surely some incoming US missile, with the reactor as the target. Rico says the North Koreans can't be allowed to get their hands on a nuke, now that they have a delivery system capable of hitting Japan...

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