07 January 2009

Too funny

Courtesy of my friend Rod, a link to this comment about a 'Blazing Saddles' review, skewed toward current reality:
Howard Dean: I want you to recruit every vicious Democrat in the nation. Take this down. I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, Bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, and Methodists!
Dennis Kucinich [finding pen and paper]: Could you repeat that, sir?
Rico says it explains the state of the Democratic party perfectly... (But what movie shall we use to describe the state of the Republican Party? House of Cards?)

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