21 January 2009

Cool use of technology

Rico says he's not sure how happy Apple (a notoriously anti-military organization; you should have seen them when he wanted to create a military Macintosh back in the 80s) will be about this, but it's cool nonetheless:
The Bulletflight ballistics calculator, which predicts the trajectory of bullets fired from high-powered sniper rifles by taking into account half a dozen variables including wind speed, distance, outside temperature and altitude.
After digesting all the information, Bulletflight tells you where exactly on the sniper scope you should position your target in order to hit it. The application is preprogrammed for three kinds of rifle sold by Knight's Armament Company of Titusville, Florida, which commissioned and sells the app for $11.99 through Apple's iTunes App Store. Among the weapons is KAC's M110 sniper rifle, which went into service with the US Army in 2007. Profiles for other kind of weapons, as well as the ammunition they use, can be added manually.
The Firearm Blog praise Bulletflight's "sheer awesomeness," but noted that there's already another iPhone/iPod Touch app called iSnipe that does essentially the same thing, retails for $4.99, and isn't tied in to a specific arms manufacturer.
Rico says he's into area weapons, not precision ones, but he knows people who'll get all warm and wet over this...

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