13 January 2009

Ah, memory, thy fickle bitch

Rico says that, when he woke up this morning, he (much to his own surprise) had both short-term (the hoohah yesterday over an original Spencer that turned out to be a dud) and long-term (back to his earliest days at Apple, before Claris came along and saved him from John Thompson) memories.
The long-term memory was of a short-lived project that Rico concocted, but (not surprisingly) never got traction on at Apple, for a military Macintosh, code-named (that Apple thing) Gravenstein. The notion was to have a hardened (physically and electronically) laptop that would run specialized software (also concocted by Rico) for military applications.
As an example, how about an app that can open USGS topographical maps (still unknown at the time, back in the late 80s) and take a line drawn across it and compute the terrain profile:

(Still can't do that, to the best of Rico's knowledge; if anyone knows of an app that will, do send him an email or post a comment.)

1 comment:

Peripatetic Engineer said...

Drawing a terrain profile is one of the first things they teach you in ROTC map reading class. Any 3D CADD program should be able to do that now.


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