06 August 2008

Immigration has new problems

The Times has the story of Vince Weiguang Li, who immigrated to Canada from China in 2004, is accused of killing 22-year-old carnival worker Tim McLean in front of fellow passengers on a Greyhound bus which was travelling along a remote highway from Edmonton, Alberta, to Winnipeg, Manitoba. He is charged with second degree murder. He decapitated and then ate his victim... Police are looking into information that Li may have spent as many as four days in a psychiatric facility prior to the attack.

Rico says that'll teach the Canucks to let in crazy strangers from foreign places...

When asked by Provincial Court of Manitoba Judge Michel Chartier if he wanted a lawyer, Li shook his head and quietly said: “please kill me”.

Rico says Li will, alas, never be executed for this crime, not even if he'd done it in the United States; he is, unfortunately, way too crazy to be killed...

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