Rico says that'll teach him...
31 May 2018
Rico says Apple's at it again...
Rico says another Trump gaffe...
Rico says it's an act, but a successful one...
Rico says setting corporate policy is a bitch...
Rico says that surgeon is an idiot who'll have to pay her millions...
Rico says New Orleans and Florida are bracing for another season...
Rico says Trump hopes someone (maybe him?) will pardon him...
Rico says she (and her tiny tits) turned up on Two and a Half Men, making Alan's life miserable.
Trump's getting ready for his own pardons...
Already it's not working...
30 May 2018
Rico says more religious wackos...
Rico says he made a few bucks off the series...
Rico says they're not playing fair...
Rico says Toblerone won't like it...
Rico says that's 'overkill'...
Rico wonders how you say 'quid pro quo' in Chinese?
Rico says if Trump need 'horrible' comments, Rico is happy to provide them...
Rico says another drunk idiot...
Rico says he'd get out...
Rico says another doctor avoiding reality...
Rico says that's also the ' Right to Die' act when they don't work...
Rico says it sounds logical...
Rico says changing human nature is hard...
Rico says maybe, assuming you can change human nature...
Rico says another stalemate...
Rico says prison and Islam aren't a good combination...
Rico says don't live near a volcano, like on the Big Island...
29 May 2018
As usual, getting out ahead of the law...
Rico says another loser...
Rico says even her own turned on her...
Rico says another idiot politician ...
Woman never knew when to shut up...
The Chinese are getting cranky again...
Rico says stupidity wins again...
Rico says too bad they didn't get divorced...
Rico says she couldn't keep her mouth shut...
28 May 2018
Rico says he has yet to see it...
Rico says he never bought into the Bitcoin concept...
Rico says it's good to be found...
Rico says too bad Lee didn't have more land at Arlington.
Rico says the lesson is not to hit policemen...
27 May 2018
26 May 2018
Rico says the airlines need to start banning these assholes...
Rico says there's always a second gunman...
Rico says really? Swastikas? That war has been over along time...
Rico says another good one gone...
Rico says Mother Nature is bashing the Caribbean again...
Rico says congrats to the new mom and her litter...
Rico says one of his favorite character actors...
Rico says the world is changing rapidly...
Rico says he's sure the guy wishes all this would go away...
Rico says let's hope she finishes, let alone wind...
25 May 2018
More Trump self-importance...
Rico says there's no excuse for poor ship handling...
Rico says the fat guy gets the money, the employees get screwed...
Gotta be someplace nearby...
Rico says more Trump behavior...
Rico says, years back, he worked with a woman also named Dolezal. Not the same one...
Rico says nobody likes Trump...
Rico says the foods of summer...
Rico says unsung heroes...
Rico says that's one way of reducing illegal immigration...
Rico says they should...
Rico says it's still scary...
Another Trump administration greedhead...
Rico says Weinstein's just another schmuck headed for prison...
Rico says greed is a Trumpian disease...
Rico says, having been bitten by them, this is good...
Rico says, having been bitten by them, this is good...
Rico says this is getting too popular...
Rico says he doesn't have one of those, either...
Rico says it looks like the Canadians are becoming Americanized...
Rico says that ain't gonna happen...
24 May 2018
Rico says that Un won't gain from this...
Rico says another reason to let addicts overdose...
We'll see what happens...
Rico says Chip is still a doofus, and she's still gorgeous...
Rico says a little late...
Rico says that's pretty, but dangerous...
Mother Nature is hard on animals...
Rico says the bears won't like it...
Rico says, if they do, he'll be amazed...
Rico says a big oops by Mother Nature...
Rico says another expensive piece of stupidity...
Rico says an expensive piece of stupidity...
Rico says long overdue...
Rico says maybe they did, maybe they didn't...
Rico says it might as well have been a death sentence.
Rico says he's not sure if a kinder God might have handled it differently...
Rico says another idiot; the military could give him a firing squad...
Rico says, on or off, all same same...
Rico says that was scary, especially for the poor cat...
Rico says the usual Trump...
More bloviating, as usual...
23 May 2018
Rico says the Bible is full of rape & murder...
Rico says don't mess with big cats...
Rico says they were lucky...
Rico says let's hope they find it...
Rico says, like any Porsche, not cheap...
Rico says this is why he votes for cutting off hackers' fingers on national television.
Bigotry is religion's middle name...
Rico says it's just a lot of money...
Rico says better late than never...
Rico says they won't get another invite...
Rico says that's getting too close...
Rico says gone but not forgotten...
Rico says space junk sounds plausible.
Rico fails to come up with much sympathy for idiots who smoke this stuff... (As Rico's old boss, ex-Marine Brian Fitzgerald, used to point out, sympathy is in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.
Rico says somebody got lucky (and it wasn't even Cousteau)...
Rico says ignorance is no excuse...
Rico says he needs to go...
Rico says another abuser takes the easy way out...
Rico says another abusive doctor, another clueless school...
Rico says another Korean War, over waitresses?
Rico says he eats those Tate's cookies...
Rico says the word's out...
Rico says as long as it works...
Rico says everyone likes animals...
Rico says the Germans have had this problem for awhile...
Rico says the kids aren't alright...
22 May 2018
Rico says that was dumb...
Rico says that's amazing...
Rico says NASA is fading...
Rico says another gyn gone off the rails...
Rico says the Europeans won't hesitate to spank him...
More Trump family behavior...
Rico says do bad things, pay the price...
Rico says, as long as Trump is in office, we'll never be short of news...
Rico says faith, like photography, is subject to interpretation...
Rico says that's how Macy's went down...
21 May 2018
Premature enthusiasm...
Rico says you can't go wrong imitating the Swedes...
Rico says this is why he turns everything off when he can...
Rico says he's still hoping his father buys one...
Rico says he looks forward to having the problem...
Rico says that, once again, Mother Nature is smarter...
Rico says fortunately, they don't...
Rico says the Universe is complicated.
Rico says no aliens, thus far...
Rico says no aliens detected...
Rico says the guy's a meathead...
Rico says Philly will be happy to have it...
Rico says retail is a fickle thing...
Rico says this is why he got a vasectomy...
Rico says the Iranians won't care...
Rico says a perfect moment to have had a gun...
Rico says that, before DNA evidence, he would've gotten away with it...
19 May 2018
Rico says at least they weren't Russians...
Rico says that's incredibly noble...
Rico says the big hat thing is dumb.
Rico says Harry looked good, too.
18 May 2018
Rico says your classic Oriental spy...
Rico says trouble they didn't need...
Rico watched him on "Wagon Train".
Rico says that'll lose him votes...
Rico says that's bad...
Rico says locking them up might've saved lives...
Rico says another guy with an unpronounceable name...
Rico says he can afford it...
Rico says a good secondary use for that heat...
Rico says that's amazing...
Rico says being black can be dangerous...
Rico says why is anyone surprised?
Rico says right guy at the right place at the right time...
17 May 2018
Rico says that was dumb...
Rico says that's tragic...
Rico says he and his father happened to see Boone in a bar in Kailua/Kona during a scuba diving trip when Rico was in high school. Great actor, if homely as a mud fence...
Rico says she'll do fine.
Rico says felony stupid again...
Rico says he's avoided adding to the birth rate...
Rico says another list he doesn't want to be on...
Rico says not enough for impeachment, alas...
Rico says you'll note it wasn't a Microsoft device...
16 May 2018
Rico says people die anyway...
Rico says another Apple look-alike...
Rico says so did Nixon...
Rico says dumb luck requires being dumb...
Rico says he'll wait for the evening news...
Rico says they're the workhorse of the sky...
It's a question of who needs it more...
Rico says he hopes to have the problem...
Rico says he'll wait for the evening news...
Rico says it's not quite HAL yet...
Rico says a little late...
Rico says an appropriate response...
Rico says Bible lessons won't work...
Rico says another dead idiot...
Rico says another idiot doctor...
Rico says that was Stormy Daniels' money...
Rico says that's not even a million apiece...
Rico says he'll probably see it anyway...
Rico says that SE is an antique now...
Rico says Musk will ultimately triumph...
Rico says it'll do well in Japan...
Rico says being funny is hard...
Rico says it'd be interesting...
Rico says more unaffordable toys...
Rico says lower food prices won't hurt...
Rico says he won't be attending...
Rico says good things aren't cheap...
Amazing, though Rico wonders why you'd even try...
Rico says he's amazed women have more than one...
Rico says the schmuck should pay and do time...
Rico says he's not sure why...
Rico says Musk dreams big...
Rico says, if anyone can pull this off, it's Musk.
Rico says, if it blows up, NASA wins...
Rico says it's the pretty girls that get the break...
Rico says Russians? Shocking.
Rico says the Democrats need to get their shit together...
15 May 2018
Rico says this is too confusing...
Rico says this should be interesting...
Rico says we'd better come up with the money...
Rico says Islam causes bad behavior...
Rico says it's not like we need more people...
Rico says another bad mother...
Rico says it's why they call it felony stupid...
Rico says good for them.
Rico says we won't miss them, but U.N. might...
Rico says let's hope they're covered...
Rico says it's a no-porta-potty problem...
Rico says it sounds terrible...
Rico says he's doomed...
Rico says he wouldn't go to one of her concerts for any reason, so he doesn't care...
Rico says better late than never...
Rico says no bears in his neighborhood...
Rico says Nature is a mutha...
Rico says they'll make more...
Rico says he'll watch it on television...
Rico says another woman losing it....
Rico says another good one gone...
14 May 2018
Rico says another good one gone...
Rico wishes her a speedy recovery.
Rico say, if true, they should leave him at sea...
Rico says more idiots who shouldn't have reproduced...
Rico says severe punishment for this idiot...
A nice ending for a bad situation...
Rico says wrong one again...
Rico says this is only going to get worse...
Rico says he barely uses all the apps he has now...
Rico says more over-the-top fashion...
Rico says it could've been a Ferrari...
Rico says Cook must be working overtime...
Rico says ethics are expensive...
Rico says, wherever it originated, it's nasty...
Rico says more forgotten heroes...
Rico says an Asimov story dealt with thumbs...
Rico says they should've had a backup tape...
Rico says what would you expect from a Trump choice?
Rico says it's a stupid look...
13 May 2018
Rico says, if you want his iPhone, you better bring a gub...
Rico says that fishermen can be stupid and greedy...
Rico wonders if Trump is making anything off this deal...
Rico says ISIS must be destroyed...
Rico likes their photos...
12 May 2018
Rico says being rich gives you more choices...
Rico says whatever works...
Rico says a dying man doesn't have to mince his words...
Rico says more Russian perfidy.
Rico says Nader is meddling again...
Rico says we'll miss frogs...
Rico says another cocktail seems a reasonable need...
Rico says that lawyers do strange things sometimes...
Rico says he's always amazed at people's stupidity..,
Rico says Carrey makes political enemies...
Rico thought she did...
Rico says he won't be going...
Rico says that was obvious...
11 May 2018
Rico says because they can...
Rico says it's nice to see a happy ending...
Rico says this is horrible...
10 May 2018
Another reason to kill hackers...
Rico says relying on software can kill you...
Rico says it'll be interesting...
The latest from Musk...
Rico says this is dumb...
Mother Nature; red in tooth & claw...
Rico says another candidate for televised execution...
Rico says another idiot bites it...
Rico says they'll learn you can't do this any more...
Rico won't be able to afford one for awhile...
Rico says a CD will do fine...
Rico says another good one gone...
Another war in the making...
Rico says we didn't need this...
More Apple software in the war against hackers...
Rico says he misses that 'wild and crazy guy'...
Rico says it's a good thing...
Fortunately, it's a long way from Rico to the nearest volcano...
Rico says they won't be contributing to his next campaign...
Rico says this is scary...
Rico says this is silly...
Rico says he looks forward to seeing it.
Rico says he hopes it works...
Rico says it's always something new...
Rico says Mother Nature continues to amaze...
Rico says the GOP said there weren't any...
Rico says some species gotta be taken out that others thrive...
Rico says things can get worse...
Rico doesn't play games, this won't miss it...
Rico says 'she' is still homely as a mud fence...
09 May 2018
Rico says somebody started it...
Rico says he hopes Musk pulls it off...
Rico says a good move, if not cheap...
Rico says we pay for our stupidity eventually...
Rico says there's not a single volcano anywhere near him...
Rico says an artificial spider is better...
Rico says Gilliam does great work...
Rico says it'll happen here eventually...
Rico says it's the bad thing about volcanoes...
Rico says they're the future...
Rico says stupid is as stupid does...
Rico says he's hooked, too...
Rico says Apple is hard to shake...
Apple doesn't want you to leave, either...
Google works at being necessary...
08 May 2018
Rico says he may be rich but still a bad President...
Rico says it's as clean as you'd expect...
Rico says what's a few million?
Rico says let's hope they don't make one, let alone use it.
Rico says it's still a bad situation.
Rico says more fat, ugly scoundrels...
Rico says, if you don't look like the neighbors, they're gonna call the cops...
Rico says another fat, ugly guy who deserves execution...
Rico says this'll piss off the offenders...
Rico says no normal woman looks like the mannequins.
Rico says the coffee lovers (including his fiancé) will be pissed...
Flying cars? Imagine the crashes...
07 May 2018
Rico says another clueless asshole...
Rico says more bad behavior...
Rico says not the best choice they could've made...
Rico says this is scary...
Rico says this is a bad thing...
Rico says that's a dubious heritage...
Rico says you'd think they wouldn't do this shit...
Rico says the need to hunt these assholes down...
Rico says an excitable officer...
Rico says that's a lot for coffee...
Rico says living on a volcano can be difficult...
Rico says opting out of everything is a good start...
Rico says Americans will believe anything if repeated often enough...
Rico says separate bedrooms is a bad sign...
06 May 2018
Rico says living on an active volcano can be dangerous...
Rico says Steve Jobs is whirling...
Rico says he wonders how many...
Rico says, what's a little torture between friends?
Rico says profit over health, as usual...
05 May 2018
Rico says some things aren't worth it...
Rico says living on an active volcano is dangerous...
Rico says that's a good thing...
04 May 2018
Rico says it's dangerous to live atop an active volcano...
Rico says a little late to be 'reading up'...
Rico says more stuff to know before we go...
Rico says that's no surprise...
Rico says more trouble for foreigners...
Rico says more trouble for United...
Rico says it's still amazing he landed it at all...
Rico says it's a stupid argument...
Rico says he's still amazed they landed at all...
Rico says it's amazing they landed at al...
Rico says this is getting uglier...
03 May 2018
Rico says that didn't help...
A man we'll miss when he's gone...
Rico says his ego will withstand the blow...
Rico says the Russians lying? What a shock...
Yeah. Let's hope he does something...
02 May 2018
Rico says it's a very Chinese solution.
Rico says more sad history...
Rico says another nail in the coffin...
Rico says another deluded idiot...
Rico says fuck up, pay the price.
Rico says they won't go broke any time soon...
Rico says he'd still take one...
Rico says good to know...
Rico says we'll cope...
Rico says someone really hungry...
Rico says the movie business will change...
Rico says he'll be missed...
Rico says that's a good sign...
Rico says it's a good idea...
Rico says Philly got off cheap...
01 May 2018
Rico says we just haven't gotten there yet...
Rico says that's a good thing...
Rico says she should get death herself...
Rico says, even if it does, only a local problem...
Rico says he looks forward to it.
Rico says there are good people out there...
Rico says this is a bad thing...
Rico says we'll miss him when he's gone...
Rico says they could've shut it down...
Rico says about time...
Rico says Cosby lovers will hate her...
Rico says that's good news...
Rico says if you can afford to stay there, you can afford shampoo. Finding those little bottles is another problem...
Rico says another idea in search of a market...
Rico says they should've thought of this...
Rico says it didn't work in Berlin, either...
Rico says Apple is notoriously arrogant...
Rico says that'll be gone soon...
Rico says he'd still like one...
Rico says coyotes in NYC?
Isn't that a sign of Armageddon?
Rico says Trump still denies all this Russian stuff...
Rico says this'll be ugly...