14 April 2013

Background checks

Daniel Politi has a Slate article about gub groups:

The usually united gun-rights lobby appears to be splitting. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, which describes itself as the second-largest gun-rights group after the National Rifle Association, came out in support of the proposal by Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Pat Toomey that would expand background checks for gun sales, reports The Washington Post. The bipartisan measure could come up for a vote in the Senate by mid-week. The NRA opposes the legislation, insisting it would do nothing to prevent criminals from getting their hands on weapons.
The head of the Citizens Committee, Alan Gottlieb, sent an email to supporters explaining the decision:
If you read the Manchin-Toomey substitute amendment, you can see all the advances for our cause that it contains like interstate sales of handguns, veteran gun rights restoration, travel with firearms protection, civil and criminal immunity lawsuit protection, and, most important of all, the guarantee that people, including Federal officers, will go to Federal prison for up to fifteen years if they attempt to use any gun sales records to set up a gun registry.
The compromise legislation also officially got the support from Senator Susan Collins, who became the second Republican not involved in negotiating the measure who said she would support it. Collins issued a statement confirming news first reported by NBC, noting the compromise “takes a much more common sense approach by requiring background checks only for commercial transactions and exempts family gifts and transfers”. Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois has also said he would support the measure, reports CNN. Meanwhile, Senator John McCain said he was “very favorably disposed” to the proposal.
Toomey said on CNN that it remains an “open question” whether the measure would pass. “It’s going to be close,” he added.

Rico says the law won't keep criminals from getting their hands on weapons, but when has Congress ever worried about actually doing something?

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