06 August 2008

Wouldn't want to be one of those guys

Macworld has an article about Steve Jobs being on the rampage about the clusterfuck'd introduction of MobileMe and the new iPhone. Given that Rico can't even get his iPhone to find the 2.0 software, much less download it, whatever Steve does to the poor bastards running this program is, alas, richly deserved: "Apple CEO Steve Jobs conceded in an e-mail to Apple employees that the company had made numerous mistakes during the launch of its MobileMe Internet service, saying that the service “was simply not up to Apple's standards” and that it "clearly needed more time and testing." The memo also indicates that Jobs has now transferred responsibility for the service to a different Apple executive. The memo, first reported by Ars Technica and also obtained by Macworld, says that the MobileMe team will now report to Eddy Cue, who has led the iTunes team for the past several years. In fact, Cue will now head up all of Apple’s Internet services including iTunes, the App Store and MobileMe. Reporting directly to Jobs, Cue’s new title is Vice President of Internet Services. MobileMe's launch was fraught with problems, including large initial downtime, an extended e-mail outage including lost messages, the inability to contact the service to sync, corruption of data, time delays in syncing the computer to MobileMe, and more. In the aftermath, Apple set up a status page on the MobileMe Web site. The “launch of MobileMe was not our finest hour,” reads Jobs' e-mail. “It was a mistake to launch MobileMe at the same time as iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0 software and the App Store,” Jobs wrote. “We all had more than enough to do, and MobileMe could have been delayed without consequence.”

Rico says he hopes Cue negotiated a big raise with the new title; he's gonna earn it...

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