16 August 2008

Signed but not observed

AFP has the story of Russia finally signing the peace agreement with Georgia, but their troops are still on the move: "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a peace deal with Georgia on Saturday but his troops again underlined their grip by pushing even deeper toward the capital Tbilisi. Medvedev signed the French-brokered deal a day after Georgia's pro-Western President Mikheil Saakashvili and a week after Russian forces invaded neighbouring Georgia in support of separatists in the South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions... The deal obliges all forces in the ex-Soviet republic to withdraw to positions held prior to the Russian invasion."

Rico says yeah, like they're really going to pull back...

"Russia, which routed Georgia's tiny US-trained army in the fighting for control of South Ossetia, is allowed to take unspecified extra security measures. Overnight Friday the Russians demonstrated their dominance by sending a small armoured detachment to within half an hour's drive from Tbilisi... During her visit to Tbilisi for talks with Saakashvili on Friday, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice insisted the peace accord required Russian forces withdraw from Georgia, a close US ally.
"With the signing of this accord, all Russian troops, and any paramilitary and irregular troops that entered with them, must leave immediately," Rice said."

If you believe that, Rico says he's got a nice blown-up bridge in Georgia to sell you...

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