30 June 2008

One for righteousness

Two burglars decide to hit a house in the suburbs. Wrong house, because it was next door to Joe Horn's house. He didn't like it, and liked it less when they decided to come into his yard when they were done. Fortunately, the grand jury had its wits about it, and no-billed him this week.
In an all-too-expected response, a 'community activist' named Quanell X (no, Rico doesn't have to make these things up; reality is weird enough on its own) said "The message that the grand jury sent today is frightening".

Rico says no, the message the grand jury delivered is obvious: don't rob people's houses and expect to walk away. However, it is amazing that, while Horn maintains that he shot the men in self-defense, an autopsy report indicated that both men were shot in the back. Only in Texas...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1.7.08

    God bless Texas.

    --Bill Champ


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.