30 June 2008

Ah, the French

The Voice of America has an article about a military display in southern France that went wrong. Seems at least one of the participants had live rounds, rather than blanks, in his weapon. Fifteen civilians and two soldiers were wounded; none dead thus far, merde alors...
A senior military official told the Agence France-Presse news agency it was probably due to an accident. French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who visited some of the wounded, vowed swift and tough punishment against those responsible for the incident, which he described as unacceptable negligence.
The sergeant who apparently fired the rounds was considered to have an excellent military record, and had not had any history of psychological or other problems. He fired the real bullets after a previous exercise in which he had fired fake ones. He was detained, along with three other soldiers.

Rico says he doesn't know how to say court martial in French, but he bets that Sarkozy does... (It's cour martiale, according to Babelfish, which also gives us baise de faisceau for clusterfuck, which this certainly was...)

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