30 June 2008


The Wall Street Journal has an article about the resolution of the anthrax debacle back in 2001. Remember that? They ended up (reasonably, in Rico's opinion) fixating on Steven Hatfill, a bioweapons expert and former Army microbiologist. The FBI ripped up his life, including raiding his apartment in biohazard suits. (That'll fuck up your relationship with your neighbors.)
But here's still no reliable suspect, nor even a good line of investigation. While al Qaeda hasn't been ruled out, there's nothing tying them to this incident.
"In 2006, the FBI revised its assessment of the anthrax powder. While it was of exceptional purity and quality, scientists now say it lacked signs of the special milling process necessary for weaponization. In addition, the particular Ames strain of the anthrax used in the attacks – a clue seeming to point to a domestic source – has turned out to be far more common than originally believed, appearing in laboratories world-wide, including nations of the former Soviet Union."
Now the Justice Department, without admitting liability, is paying Hatfill $5.8 million for damage to his reputation.
Again, can you spell 'clusterfuck'?

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