16 January 2008

Oh, great, more fun-loving Muslim converts

From the Gates of Vienna blog:
The Muslim Boys gang are Afro-Caribbean 'Muslim converts' who began violently 'taxing' the south London criminal community. Dressed in long, flowing black leather coats, as in the film The Matrix, and initially dubbed “the Taliban Terrorists”, these were ex-convicts who had been turned on to Islam in prison, and who began to use the austere discipline of Islam to fashion a criminal network with a 'higher' purpose.
Their first targets were other criminals - especially local drug dealers and pimps - who were ordered to pay “protection money”. If the dealers refused, they were held at gunpoint, often facing the muzzle of a MAC-10.
In the early days, there were about 25 hardcore members, plus 40 “ foot soldiers”. They had come out of a gang called the SMS, the South Man Syndicate, and now began to rope in other crews, such as The Brotherhood and the Stockwell Crew, evolving into an umbrella crew called the PDC, Poverty Driven Children. To this day, gang members refer to themselves as PDC, regarding Muslim Boys as a term used by outsiders.
By January 2004, the gang had managed the unique feat of uniting the bitterly divided south-east black criminal-fraternity against them.
The enmity of other criminals doesn’t deter them. Nor does police action. One thing which does anger them --mortally so for their victims-- are peers who fail to convert to their way of thinking, or who backslide. They are dealt with summarily and without mercy. Forced conversions are a new twist on an old terror; for the bruvs, it’s all a part of loyal family feeling.
Though there may be fewer active members of the Muslim Boys on the streets of south London, their activities in jail are still giving Britain’s prison service a headache.

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