07 January 2008

The Dark Side speaks

Bill Gates, doing his Darth Vader impression at the CES show in Las Vegas, talked about how Microsoft's "technologies are becoming even more flexible and powerful as they seep into automobiles, Internet-based TV networks and living rooms".
Now that is a scary thought...
"Traditional PC programs got less airtime than in previous keynotes. That contrast stood out considering not only the tepid response for Microsoft's year-old Windows Vista operating system but also the way that Web-based applications are threatening Microsoft's hold on desktop computing."
Rico says to say nothing of Apple's OS...
"What they might not have expected - and what they clearly relished - was a self-deprecating farewell video in which Gates mocked the idea that he would desperately cast about for things to do after retiring as Microsoft's chief software architect this July. It showed a giddy Gates rapping, trying to lift weights, pleading for a spot in U2 and lobbying for a place on a presidential ticket. The video's cameo appearances from the likes of Brian Williams, Jay-Z, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Jon Stewart, Steven Spielberg and George Clooney provoked uproarious laughter - not a common occurence at a tech conference."

Rico says: farewell? An outcome devoutly to be wished. But, like Vader, he'll probably be back...

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