10 September 2007

Not that it's a problem, mind you

From Michelle Malkin's blog:
"Foreign-born residents accounted for 55 percent of TB cases nationwide in 2005 — the last year for which statistics were available. The greatest number of foreign born cases, 25 percent, or 1,942 cases, came from Mexico, followed by the Philippines, Vietnam, and India. In 1993, foreign-born residents made up 29 percent of reported TB cases."

Not that we need to spend more money overseas, but sometimes it makes sense.
Instead of trying to catch these folks when they come across the border, let's promote (hell, even the through the UN, if that's what it takes) innoculation programs in the top 10 infected countries (starting with Mexico, then the Philippines, Vietnam, and India.) Let alone all those poor bastards in the Russian prison system with the really ugly stuff...
Sure, it'll cost us.
What do you think having drug-resistant TB loose in the general population will cost us?
Cough, cough...

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