11 September 2007

Another year in the Thousand Year War

Photograph taken by one of the staff of Level3.com, an ISP in NYC.

It's hard to believe that it's been six years since Chris and I were on the ferry in Nantucket, hearing the shouting coming up from the pier; soomething about a small plane hitting the World Trade Center. Little knowing, we all gathered in the cabin to listen to Peter Jennings on the radio, describing our national introduction to Hell…

I think a woman working the relief effort for the rescue workers in NYC on Day Three put it best: “I’ve gone past the crying, and now I’m angry. I want retaliation. I want no man standing who did this to us.

Those in the sandbox (and elsewhere, including some here at home) who think that the Americans are soft and weak and won't respond if attacked should remember that...

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