09 September 2007

Crack of dawn doesn't

I'm not sure what the fuck is up with my head, but I've been waking up (and usually getting up, worse yet) at very early hours for awhile now.
This, of course, amuses my parents, who both had to struggle for years when I was young to get me out of bed for necessary things like going to school.
Even my long-suffering ladyfriend asked plaintively the other day, as I was getting up at some ridiculous hour, "Whatever happened to that lump of man who loved to sleep in?"
Hell if I know.
Given that I got up the first time at 2am, went back to bed, and got up again (because lying there awake is stupid) at about 4, I'd say I'm not sleeping well.
Seems that the less wake-up medicine (as in Provigil) that I take, the more awake I am.
My mother was prone to just this sort of counterintuitive reaction to medicine, so I may have inherited that, I suppose...
Whatever, here it is 4.30am, and though I'm yawning a bit, I am definitely awake.
Fortunately, the ladyfriend is still snug abed, and if I know what's good for me I won't wake her up.
So it's tiptoe off to the kitchen and get some juice, and back here for more oh-dark-thirty computing.

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