09 September 2007

Fighting back, if slowly

This is me, wearing my "Got Rum?" t-shirt (to go with the patch, of course) and my personal trainer at Fighting Back, a local 'rehab after rehab' program. (What? You don't have one? They're all the rage these days.) As anyone who knows me will attest, I've never been a huge fan of exercise, especially for its own sake (my best workouts were when I was on sabbatical in Hawai'i and had to ride my bicycle six miles into town if I wanted to eat), but this program, especially given his care and hard work, has been very good for me. As you may recall, I basically lay on my back for six months, and did little more than walk around after that, even in Florida. But I'm rediscovering muscles I'd forgotten I had, and generally toning up and losing weight. (Down to 237, which I last saw back in 1994 or so...)
And, yes, he has one or two tattoos. Thanks for noticing. I, as of yet, have none, though there may be a small and discreet 'kuma' ideogram on my chest in my future, if I can stand getting it.

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