30 August 2007

Past as prologue

In a recent speech, Dr. Sher Afgan Niazi, the Pakistani Minister for Parliamentary Affairs, referred to "the glorious past of Muslims". (This via jihadwatch.org, which I highly recommend.)
He is right. There have been many glorious moments in history that were inspired by or connected to Islam.
Just not very many of late, however.
The 'glory of Islam' has degenerated into a huge population of whining, self-serving clowns who survive, for the most part, on the gluttonous appetite of the West for petroleum. If only we can break that chain, I suspect that much of the Islamic world will wither on the vine.
Now if only we can convince our glorious leaders to conduct a War on Oil with the same fervor they do the stupid and useless War on Drugs, we'll be fine...

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