30 August 2007

Some tests you don't want to win

I just took a "what's your Asperger's score?" test at http://www.piepalace.ca/blog/asperger-test-aq-test/
Asperger's, for those who don't know, is related to autism, and may well be a 'lower' form of the condition.
Geeks, for instance, score high on the test.
The scoring (on 50 questions) runs from 0 to 50, with anything above 32 "generally indicating Asperger's Syndrome or high-functioning autism".
The average math contest winner scored a 24.
The average computer scientist scored a 21.
The average male scientist scored a 19.
The average man scored an 18.
I scored a 26.
Even geekier than I thought, apparently.

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