29 August 2007

Scary woo-woo people

From an on-line news report about the nationwide anti-gun rallies yesterday:

"I wish we had the power to just close that thing down," former D.C. Mayor and current City Councilman Marion Barry said. "We ought to put a padlock on the door, padlock it."
Barry's colleague, City Councilwoman Yvette Alexander, said "we cannot have anyone with guns other than the law enforcement individuals and our military that were intended."

Therein, alas, is the split between those who hope (foolishly) that law enforcement (note the derivation of the phrase: it's not crime prevention, it's enforcement of the law after it's broken) can and will protect each and everyone of us from the bad guys, and those of us who feel that we should be able to protect ourselves as necessary. (We're ignoring their ignorance of the history of and importance of the Second Amendment.)
The police preventing crime?
Not gonna happen.
Never has, never will.

It appears that there was little, if any, activity in Philadelphia (in spite of our looking-to-be-a-record murder rate this year) about this event. I don't know if it's just apathy or anti-pathy, but I'm happy to see no hysteria in Philly.

Personally, I don't want to rely on the good offices of any police department to come and 'save' me when the bad guys show up at my door. And for those who insist that that is never gonna happen, I suggest a troll through any of the recent news reports about home invasions and street muggings.
There are bad people in this world who do bad things to nice people.
I choose not to be a victim.
If you choose to be a victim, fine. Just don't think that taking away my ability to protect myself and those I love is somehow going to make you safe, too. (And when the bad guys show up and hurt you, and the cops don't show up for a half hour or so after you call 911, don't come complaining to me.)

Just remember: two in the chest, one in the head. And never use a firearm whose caliber doesn't start with a 'four'. (Unless you don't have anything else, then just use a lot of bullets.)

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