01 October 2006

Okay, it's not just the jihadis we have to worry about

Worry about this guy, too: Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda.
Right on the home page for his Creciendo en Gracia (Growing in Grace) church, the guy (who bills himself as "the Man Jesus Christ") goes right off the deep end:
"As the last manifestation of God in flesh, He has established the Government of God on Earth as written in the Gospel... He has promised that every religion including Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Mormons, etc. will end, as all their leaders are corrupt." (Notice he doesn't mention Muslims, however. But even "the last manifestation of God in flesh" isn't looking for a fatwa, I guess...)
Miranda had a 'Worldwide Convention" in Miami last month. Having seen video of his 'church' festivities, I'm sure there were many juicy Cubanas jiggling to the band. And far too many deluded people (the church claims 1.4 million adherents worldwide) giving him envelopes full of cash to support his 'work'...

Is it just me or does that photo, with it's Dan-Rather-signing-off look, give you the willies?
And where are the likes of Nathuram Godse, Sirhan Sirhan, or Mehmet Ali Ağca when you need them...

(Can we get him and Sun Myung Moon together in a locked room, to see who comes out alive as the 'official' reincarnation of Jesus Christ? Then we can turn the jihadis loose on the winner...)

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