01 October 2006

A burning question

For once the Islamofascists have clarified something I've been wrestling with for awhile: why the whole Flag Burning Amendment to the Constitution is a bad idea. (This guy has a lawyerly dissertation on the subject, as do these people.)

The full text of the amendment reads: "The Congress shall have power to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States."

But what if it was the Islamic Congress, and it was the "physical desecration" of the Qur'an? Or "insulting the Prophet" (otherwise known as Moe)? Or even, as I posted earlier, "belittling Turkishness"?
I suspect the Religious Right (aka Christofascists), or the Obsessed Conservatives, or whoever is pushing this bogus trespass on the Bill of Rights, would not sign on to permit anyone to be prosecuted for burning a Qur'an, or especially this flag:

The notion that harming a symbol of anything (a nation, a religion, whatever) is somehow criminal is, in itself, criminal. And dangerously foolish...

(Besides, isn't the proper way to dispose of a worn-out American flag to burn it? So, if I burn a flag with anger that's a crime, but if I burn it with reverence that's a good thing? Can't these idiots make up their minds?)

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