01 October 2006


From Western Resistance, a full translation of a recent article by German historian Egon Flaig in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. It covers some of the long ugly history of the interaction between Islam and the West, and exposes the futility of passive resistance and the resulting life of a dhimmi:
"According to the shari'ah, the Muslims are the masters and the followers of other 'book religions' - Christians, Jews, Parsees, Buddhists - are subjugated dhimmi. The subjugated were not allowed to carry weapons; unarmed, they were not 'real men'. Christians and Jews had to wear special colours or pieces of clothing so as to be visibly dhimmi; they were not allowed to ride on horseback, only on mules, to remind them of their subjugation; they paid a special tribute (jizyah), that they had to pay personally while being given a slap on the head. They had to let themselves be beaten by any Muslim, without being allowed to defend themselves; if a dhimmi retaliated, his hand would be cut off, or he would be executed. A dhimmi's witness did not count against a Muslim, who only had to pay half the fine for any crime committed against a dhimmi, and could never ever get executed for any such crime. On the other side, the most cruel methods of execution were reserved for the dhimmi."

I don't think I'll let that dhimmi shit happen to me. For one thing, I don't respond well to a "slap on the head"...

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