08 May 2016


Rico's friend Kelley, a long-time designer and wise-ass, forwards a t-shirt he won't wear for fear of getting his ass kicked by some racist with no sense of humor (and what racist does?):
In the past few days, I've seen several articles on-line that make the point that calling people 'racist' has become so common as to render the word completely, mind-numbingly ineffective. In an astonishing number of cases, it describes things that have nothing to do with race. Some of the writers are claiming that it is so widely applied, that all of us are, to some degree, racist. It's unavoidable. To that end, I have designed a t-shirt for myself. Of course, I won't get it made, let alone wear one. Perhaps if I were a young buck in my thirties, but, in my seventies, I'd probably get my ass kicked by some ninety-pound Social Justice Warrior...

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