08 April 2016

Fwd: Hot new Japanese metal band...

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Mark Seymour

Begin forwarded message:

From: "ROBERT KELLEY" <kelleyinwestport@mail.com>
Date: April 8, 2016 at 6:59:16 AM EDT
To: "CAROLYN LIEBERMAN" <tidepoolpottery@me.com>, "Mark Seymour" <mseymour@proofmark.com>, "MIKE THOMSEN" <mike.thomsen@asu.edu>, mjgwagner <mjgwagner@comcast.net>, "PAM WALTERS" <rwalters2517@charter.net>, "Peg Fowler" <pegfowler@vistabeam.com>, "Polly Gardner" <pgardner68@aol.com>, "SCOTT FRYER" <sefryer@hotmail.com>, "SIMON FALLA" <simon.falla@sicomp.co.uk>, "TIM WALTERS" <walterst@wit.edu>
Subject: Hot new Japanese metal band...

Just appeared on Stephen Colbert. As the commentary says, "They haven't decided whether they want to come across as cute or menacing." Well, that's Japan for you.

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