18 February 2016

Obama to visit Cuba

The Washington Post has an article by Karen DeYoung, associate editor and senior national security correspondent for The Washington Post, and Juliet Eilperin, The Washington Post's White House bureau chief, covering domestic and foreign policy as well as the culture of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; she is the author of two books, one on sharks, and another on Congress, (not to be confused with each other), and has worked for the Post since 1998, about Obama and Cuba:
President Obama will travel to Cuba in late March 2016, less than eight months after the United States formally reopened its embassy in Havana following more than a half-­century of estrangement, administration officials said recently.
The trip is tentatively scheduled to precede a presidential visit to Argentina. The White House had initially hoped that the Cuba stop would coincide with the signing on the island of a peace deal ending Colombia’s long guerrilla war, but the 23 March 2016 deadline for the agreement now is expected to be extended for at least several days, possibly weeks.
That left the White House in the position of possibly running into Good Friday and Easter Sunday, high holidays in Latin America (although not necessarily in Cuba) that would make it difficult to schedule high-level meetings, and a decision was made to go ahead without the Colombia agreement.
The administration will announce the president’s travel to Cuba and elsewhere in Latin America on Thursday, said a senior administration official, one of several who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the schedule had not yet been released. News of the trip was first reported by ABC News.
Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro announced in December of 2014 that they planned to normalize relations between the two countries. Last summer, they formally reestablished diplomatic ties. In recent weeks, administration officials have made it clear that Obama would travel to Cuba only if its government made additional concessions in the areas of human rights, Internet access and market liberalization.
Speaking to Yahoo News in December, Obama said he “very much” wanted to visit the island nation before leaving office, but would only do that under the condition he could meet with dissidents as well as government officials. “If I go on a visit, then part of the deal is that I get to talk to everybody,” Obama said in the interview. “I’ve made very clear in my conversations directly with President Castro that we would continue to reach out to those who want to broaden the scope for, you know, free expression inside of Cuba.”
Some progress has been made on Internet connectivity in Cuba, and the number of private businesses has been slowly growing there. This week, Washington and Havana announced that they have completed negotiations to allow commercial air traffic between the two countries.
There has been little movement on political freedoms, however, and the number of dissidents in detention has steadily increased in recent months. Unlike the prosecution and lengthy prison terms of the past, virtually all of those detained for political activity over the past several months have been held for a few hours at most, and then released.
An administration official said it was difficult to tell whether the increased arrests were because more Cubans now felt moved to demonstrate against the government.
News of the trip brought an immediate rebuke from Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (a Republican from Florida), a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who said it “will only legitimize Raúl and Fidel Castros’ repressive behavior. For more than fifty years, Cubans have been fleeing the Castro regime, yet the country which grants them refuge, the United States, has now decided to quite literally embrace their oppressors,” said Ros-Lehtinen, a Cuban American. “There has been no progress in regards to human rights on the Castro brothers’ island gulag, nor have conditions in Cuba improved since this administration began providing the regime with concession after concession.”
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